Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Lammas Garden

Even though my garden is very small it is wonderful at this time of year. I even have enough growing in it to make some Winter Solstice presents. The lavender has blossomed and is attracting a few bees, which is comforting. I will make some little lavender bottles again this year.

I have also been making a most delicious and fragrant spice for my friends for winter. I often find I come up with ideas for Winter Solstice presents when everything is so abundant. Not that I grow my own spices. You can just about see some fennel growing in the garden but not enough to make these lovely curry spices.

The recipe is one I got from a friend many years ago.

Add a generous tablespoon of seeds from Cardamom pods, Sesame seeds, Cumin, Coriander, Cloves, Black Peppercorns, Allspice and Aniseed. Mix all the wonderful spices together and spread on a baking sheet. Cook in an oven on medium heat for half an hour and then keep in an airtight jar. I find it improves on keeping which is why I have made mine so early this year. I will keep it in large pots and then decorate some small yoghurt jars and put it in those for presents some time in November or December.